As we all know very well that the tech giant Google always enjoys creating web pages as a test that allows us to make a better decisions.
Hence, now again Google’s official Android website includes a fun “Taste Test” that takes a few minutes to complete which will help you to make a personalized home screen.
Android ‘Taste Test’ Helps You Make A Personalized Home Screen
If something distinguishes the open systems, then it’s their personalization. Linux systems are a clear example of this premise by having a multitude of environments and vast ways to customize.
Something similar happens in the world of mobile devices as well. Android, despite the different layers of customization of manufacturers, is characterized by how easy it is to modify, as opposed to devices like iOS where what you buy is practically what you will have.
Mentioning Apple devices, in this case, is not fortuitous. In the war to win customers that exist between both companies, each one of the companies brings out the best it has to offer. In this case, Android shows that your phone can be as you want.
Try #myAndroid Taste Test
As we all know very well that the tech giant Google always enjoys creating web pages as a test that allows us to make a better decisions.
What better way to sell to indecisive customers than by giving them a decision? Well, #myAndroid Taste Test is a test that will allow us, by answering a series of questions, to find out how we want to personalize our phone to feel better with it.
Using simple questions, such as whether we prefer a flat design or a 3D design, you will be approaching three different types of customizations. Once we reach the end and within the three options that show us, it will show us the wallpaper, launcher, keyboard, the pack of icons, etc. Simply we will have to install to get that final result.
However, it will be interesting to see what it recommends to us according to our tastes. So, if you want to try it now then click here. So, what do you think about this new stuff? Share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.