The worldwide group of hackers and activists Anonymous are ready to go to war with the current US president Donald Trump with #BDStheUS.

Anonymous Declares War On Donald Trump

Finally, the most controversial figure Donald Trump became the most powerful man on Earth. This is the case of the worldwide group of hackers and activists Anonymous which threatened in the last hours to disclose Trump’s alleged links with “Russian mobsters, child traffickers, and money launderers.”

The hackers reminded Trump, through Twitter, that “information does not go away, everything is out there. You’re going to regret the next four years,” they wrote in a Tweet. The group of hackers did not cite any evidence to corroborate its affirmations, to which Trump neither has refuted nor responded.

Recent policies signed by the US president, Donald Trump, have not left anyone indifferent. The hacker group Anonymous has been quick to echo and has carried out a “global appeal” against the “tyranny of Trump,” specifically condemning the restrictive US immigration policy.

“We appeal to the international community of all origins and ideologies, of all social strata and religions, to resist the madness that emanates from the United States.” This is how the organization began the call to action, which has been concentrated under the hashtag #BDStheUS, which Anonymous and supporters of the collective urge to also ban travel to other countries to US citizens to boycott products made in US, get rid of commercial interests related to the country or with Trump and even advocate applying sanctions to the Trump Government and its partners. However, you can simply find the full statement on Pastebin or simply click here.

In addition, the means chosen to make this global petition (Twitter) has not been random taking into account the ongoing interventions of US President on the platform when put into question or comment on issues of social, political and economic importance.

The petition makes clear that “reciprocal measures must be enacted against the United States to challenge their obvious actions under the Government of Trump” and also added that “the global response must also come in the form of economic sanctions for products directly related With the corporate brand Trump.”

Moreover, the hacking group Anonymous has also published on its official Twitter account the direct Phone Numbers of White House staff.


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