Google had introduced a quicker way to browse information you are looking for. Now users don’t need to type anything or speak a request they just need to tap on the icons to get information regarding weather, movie showtimes, restaurants, nearby ATM and much more.

Google Introduced An Extraordinary Feature That Everyone Will Love

Well, we all use the internet in our daily life, Google search engine and its apps are handy for find all kind of information we are looking for. We can find almost everything through Google search.

Well, you will feel good to know that Google is taking another big step by customizing their search page. Well, Google had introduced a quicker way to browse information you are looking for.

If you are sports lover or if you are looking for some means of entertainment then you can quickly navigate to it by using the “tappable shortcuts” that is recently introduced by Google.

Well, this new feature which internet is calling “Shortcuts”, will appear as a row of the icon just below the Google search box. Now users don’t need to type anything or speak a request they just need to tap on the icons to get information regarding weather, movie showtimes, restaurants, nearby ATM and much more.

We already know that Google gathers information regarding our online activity, which helps them to serve us relevant ads. By using that data, Google will show you the most appropriate shortcuts near Google search box.

Image Source: Google
Image Source: Google

The update had already rolled out in the US, the feature was also seen iPhones, Android phones, and its mobile website. Make sure to update your app. If you were still unable to find this feature then you might have to wait for some more time until the update hits your location.

So, what do you think about this feature? Share your views in the comment box below.A


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