In a sequence of messages circulated by the dreaded terror outfit, ISIS through social media accounts and Telegram channels, the terror group has proclaimed the creation of mega hacking unit called the United Cyber Caliphate (UCC).
ISIS Hackers Join Forces To Develop Mega Hacking Unit
The UCC group include the Cyber Caliphate Army (CCA), which is Daesh’s [ISIS] main hacking unit and other pro-ISIS groups have conducted attacks on behalf of Daesh such as the Sons Caliphate Army (SCA) and Kalacnikov.TN (KTN).
In January 2016, Cyber Caliphate Army also integrated with Pro Palestinian hacking group “AnonGhost”. AnonGhost was an ex Anonymous association, from which the Anonymous has distanced itself.
More dangerous attacks could take place, as the hackers are uniting, thus sharing their skills. Secuirty and Cyber Intelligence firms like the SITE Intel Group have been following the actions of UCC since April.
Recently, the UCC hackers claimed to have hacked into the US State Department and circulated the details on 50 employees, they also were on spree of defacing Australian websites like they defaced the Russian Federal Customs Service. Besides this, they also leaked details on 18,000 employees of the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation.
The hacking group also conducted a second mass defacement campaign using the “#KillCrusaders” hashtag and continued its Anti-Christians battle when it defaced the website of a Michigan Church last week and left a message of their propaganda.
Since the formation of UCC, the massive data breach took place when the hacking group circulated the names and address of 3,602 of the “most important citizens of #NewYork and #Brooklyn,”.