We all know very well that the technology is today all over the place and several devices work like an authentic “Big Brother”. However, now According to an American couple, who complained to a US channel that their Amazon’s Alexa recorded a private conversation and sent it to a contact without any kind of permission.

Amazon’s Alexa Recorded Private Conversation And Sends It To A Random Contact

The technology is today all over the place and several devices work like an authentic “Big Brother”. According to an American couple, who complained to the US channel Kiro 7, their Amazon Echo column recorded a conversation and sent it to a contact without any kind of permission.

The Amazon Echo column may have a security bug, more specifically privacy. According to an American couple living in Portland, the column/personal assistant mistakenly recorded a private conversation and shared it with a contact, an employee of the husband who immediately alerted the boss about the happened.

The couple already informed Amazon of what happened, the company said that it was an “accident.”

But what happened?

According to a statement from Amazon, the column will have been cluttered with a set of words during the conversation of the couple that led to record the conversation and send a contact.

According to what was revealed, the smart column began by misinterpreting the word “Alexa”, after deep conversations between the couple and then a request to send a message. The contact was also selected for misinterpretation of the smart column after it asked who to send.

This is not the first time the Amazon column has intruded on user privacy. So far bugs have been fixed, but the credibility of the device has been called into question.

However, the company has already stated that it will correct the error and it is available to collaborate with the couple so that they can continue to use other equipment of the company. However, according to some rumours, the couple should move forward to a claim for compensation.

So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.

Tushar Subhra Dutta
Tushar Subhra Dutta is a content writer at Tech Viral. As, he writes about Technology, Science, Gadgets, Hacking & Security, Social Media and much more.


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