An accused hacker who was charged by the FBI and escaped from Australia, even after being ordered to surrender his passport. Now the hacker is trying to crowdfund $500,000 for Ferrari car and he has raised $175 so far.

Australian Hacker Opts For Crowdfunding To Own A Ferrari

Hacker namely, Dylan Wheeler was accused of playing a role in an international hacking ring from his Perth bedroom when he was just 17. The group was held responsible for breaking into the computers of US Army and Microsoft and had stolen their intellectual property.

Last year, Wheeler fled Australia for the Czech Republic while facing a series of charges which have a maximum jail sentence of 10 years.

Despite having a fear of term of incarceration, the 20-year-old suspect seems to be thumbing his nose at authorities, requesting for donors to donate him so that he will be able to buy the Ferrari car.

“I need a Ferrari because of my anxiety, and my doctor has said because of the FBI and police raids I am unable to function properly without a Ferrari,” Wheeler states on his crowdfunding page.

“My panic disorder is worsening, and ultimately I’d just love to even if we don’t reach the goal, fund a reasonably nice new car,” he said.

Despite, making such efforts, he has raised just $175 out of $500,000 goal.

At the age of 17, Wheeler and his group reportedly hacked and stole software’s and data valuing $100 million dollars from Microsoft, Valve, and the US Army.

Fearing sentence of 10 years, Wheeler fled Australia and headed to Czech Republic. Wheeler told 7.30, “I left Australia because my case went on for about two to three years and it was getting nowhere.”


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