ExtraTorrent, one of the world’s largest torrent indexes has lost control over their three mirror domain names. The site is now using extra.to and extratorrent.site as the new official mirrors.
ExtraTorrent Loses Three Major Mirror Domain Names
After the demise of Torrentz and Kickass torrent, ExtraTorrent is now one of the famous torrent indexes where millions of users visit ExtraTorrent on the regular basis. It is right now the second largest torrent site after The Pirate Bay.
According To Torrent Freaks, several entertainment industries puts pressure on hosting companies and domain service providers to take action ExtraTorrent due to its huge popularity.
Over the past several days, Extratorrent ended up losing control of their three domain names which are used as official mirror sites. If you are torrent lover then you might know their mirror site extratorrent.rocks, etproxy.top and extrartorraent.date are no longer available because of complaints from rightsholders.
As claimed by TorrentFreak, Extratorrent’s operator mentioned Subreg.cz as the culprit. Subreg.cz allegedly locked the torrent site out of its control panel and the domains stopped resolving. When asked the registrar about the issue, they said they can’t do anything about this situation and recommended Extratorrent to take the matter to the court.
ExtraTorrent’s SaM said, “We don’t have access to the three domain names anymore. Subreg recommended us to go to court to resolve this issue, and ignored our requests,”
The suspension of Domain seems like a typical registrar domain suspensions. However, there is something more to this because the registrar informed TorrentFreak that they are not responsible for the domain problems.
Subreg Spokesperson says “These domain names are not blocked from our side. We got a complaint which we sent to the account holder”. The comment from spokesperson suggests that some higher authority is behind this decision.
The Domain WHOIS information doesn’t show any type of registry or domain suspension notice. However, the good part is despite losing three important mirror domains, the main domain ExtraTorrent.cc is still working.
ExtraTorrent has started to redirect all their suspended mirrors to extratorrent.site and extra.to, which according to Extratorrent are the official backups. There is no further information about this issue. However, you can still enjoy ExtraTorrent.