As we all know that this is not the first time we hear rumors about the Samsung Galaxy S8. Now it is revealed that the device Samsung Galaxy S8 is codenamed by the Samsung and called internally ‘Project Dream’ as well as once again it is rumored to have a VR-Ready 4K display along with the Dual Camera.
Samsung Galaxy S8 Codenamed ‘Project Dream’ To Feature VR-Ready 4K Display And Dual Camera
This is not the first time since we were aware about the rumors about the Samsung Galaxy S8. As it is still early, last month we saw the news that the successor to the Galaxy S7 could be the first smartphone from the company to bring a screen with Ultra HD resolution. Not only that, but this would be the first to debut a new camera from Samsung with the double set of lenses.
Now it is revealed that the device Samsung Galaxy S8 is codenamed by the Samsung and called internally ‘Project Dream’. The Samsung Galaxy S7 received the codename ‘Project Lucky’ early in the second half of last year, just about the same time when the development of the device was started. With that in mind, it seems that Samsung has already started working on its next flagship smartphone Samsung Galaxy S8, even if the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 yet or has been made official.
According to the sources, it seems that we will not see a very radical change in the design. As if we notice then we can see that the Samsung Galaxy S7 was practically an improved version of the Samsung Galaxy S6 and the same can happen with the Samsung Galaxy S8.
In addition to bringing a 4K screen and dual camera, it is said that the chipset to be released on the device will be the Snapdragon 830 that will be exclusively manufactured on 10nm by the Samsung itself, which should help to reduce energy consumption as well as it will also balance the scales with the increase of pixels on the screen.
It is expected that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 will be the first smartphone from the company to carry 6GB of RAM, but everything indicates that this jump in the amount of memory is only for the Galaxy S8. However, it is too early to take seriously any information revealed about the successor of the Samsung Galaxy S7. Anyway, it should not take to begin to emerge leaks on the unit for more reliable sources.
So, what do you expect for the Samsung Galaxy S8?
“Only a change in hardware is essential?”
“A change in design is essential?”