As we all know that the tech giant Apple have a very well maintained reputation in both smartphone and PC market, but, recently a new chorus of complaints come from users of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Increasingly arise complaints that a new problem is emerging and that makes these models with problems that prevent them from being used.

Severe Flaw In iOS Is Breaking Many iPhone 6 Pluses

Both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus have had their share of problems. This was probably the model that gave most complications to Apple after being released. But nearly two years after it was introduced, the problems still not ended and a new one is now emerging. It’s known as the Touch Disease and has no solution.

There is a new chorus of complaints come from users of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Increasingly arise complaints that a new problem is emerging and that makes these models with problems that prevent them from being used.

“This issue is widespread enough that I feel like almost every iPhone 6/6+ has a touch of it (no pun intended) and are like ticking bombs just waiting to act up” says Jason Villmer, the owner of STS Telecom—a board repair shop in Missouri, as he sees phones like this several times a week.

What is “Touch Disease” ?

This new problem is known as “Touch Disease”, which is now emerging in many iPhones 6 and 6 Plus. Its manifestation is simple, a gray bar appears at the top of the screen and the screen stops responding completely, or almost the user unable to perform any touch.

Apple forums are beginning to be filled with complaints from users related to this problem, but, without noticing the matter Apple simply ignored the issue and not even made any respond to users. The only solution so far can solve this problem is replacing the board of the iPhone itself. Multiple users have also associated with this problem as well “Bendgate”, it is an another well-known problem of iPhone 6 Plus.

All who have contacted Apple in order to have an answer regarding this problem, and even a resolution to it, are receiving a negative response. Apple insists on not recognizing the problem and so far have it ignored by the tech giant Apple.

Some argue that the idea of Apple is to ignore the Touch Disease problem and thus Apple do not have to repair thousands of iPhones that in many cases are out of warranty.

A Touch Disease, according to many repair companies, is not a new problem, but now, after two years, that is to emerge with a much higher incidence, revealing the manufacturing defect which is believed to be the culprit of the problem.