If you blink during the tech giant Apple’s latest iPhone X ad video, you might miss a weird little animation bug. Yes, the tech giant Apple’s iOS 11 bugs are so common that they now appear in the tech giant Apple’s ads as well.

Apple Showcases A Bug In Latest iPhone X Ad

There are things that do not even look like the Cupertino giant! Recently the most powerful company in the world, of course, the tech giant Apple has just released a video on one of the features of iPhone X, 3D facial recognition, but in the video, it is also possible to see a major iOS 11 bug.

If you’re watching the latest Apple ad video, you will notice an iOS 11 animation bug. The animation bug comes up at 50 seconds when a message notification appears on the lock screen, but its content is also displayed out of the box.

Everything happens with some speed but the bug quickly got viral via news in many channels of the area of technology.

It’s true that the bug detected is not really serious, but it’s strange that the tech giant Apple included it in an ad video.


Benjamin Mayo, of 9to5Mac site, is surprised by the “inclusion” of this bug in a video of the company itself because it had already been reported to the Cupertino company a few months ago. It will be a case to say: “The bugs in iOS 11 are so common that even they appear in the publicity of the company”.

With so much bug detected, iOS 11 risked staying on the podium of mobile operating systems with more failures. Recall that in February it was discovered that a “simple” Indian character can easily crash the Messages app (and others) on the iPhone and iPad.

So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


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