Coronavirus disease is spread all around the world. Every day we get thousands of news about Covid-19 from which not all are true. Most of the news is fake, and many people believe that fake news. There are many apps which brought a feature which can say the news about Covid-19 is true or not. Now, Twitter has brought a label feature which will be coming under the post, which is fake new of coronavirus.

If you tweet inaccuracies about COVID-19, Twitter will label is disputed.

Coronavirus: Twitter Now Lables Fake News Of Covid-19
Coronavirus: Twitter Now Labels Fake News Of Covid-19

Twitter will now label the fake news regarding COVID-19. Twitter had announced than it will alert the users when the tweet shared misinformation about Coronavirus. This new rule is the latest move to strict policies in the tech companies which are coming out to confront Coronavirus. A similar system is already put on Youtube, which is own by Facebook and Google.

This announcement says twitter is taking it seriously about the misinformation spreading of Covid-19.

Twitter’s head, Yoel Roth says,

“We will not be able to take enforcement action on every tweet with incomplete or disputed information about COVID-19.”

On Monday, Yoel Roth said, Twitter has applied a “lighter touch” while making similar policy on tweets about fake news of COVID-19. The company is working to improve the technology with the labels.

With the new COVID-19 rules, Twitter will label which tweets are fake, and it will only take down posts which they think are harmful.

Tweets will get a label underneath which directs the users to a link with more information about Covid-19. Other tweets will be covered by the warning label, which alerts the users that the content shared in the tweet dispute with guidance from public health experts concerning Covid-19.

Nick Pickles, the company’s global senior strategist, says, Twitter will not directly check or call tweet falls on the site. The warning labels will be sent the users to the tweets, public health websites or the news articles.

Pickle says, “People don’t want us to play the role of deciding for them what’s true and what’s not true but they do want people to play a much stronger role providing context.” 

The notice is already appearing on twitter. Twitter will take down Covid-19 tweets which pose a threat to the safety of a person or a group. The company is removing the misinformation of coronavirus and says the social distancing or face masks do not curb the virus spread.


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