We all know very well that in the segment of online messaging services, the instant messaging application Telegram is already quite popular because it is considered one of the safest. However, now according to the latest reports, in recent years those responsible for this service have created a new instant messaging application which claims to be the world’s fastest instant messaging application.
Meet The World’s Fastest Instant Messaging Application
In the segment of online messaging services, the Telegram is already quite popular because it is considered one of the safest. However, in recent years those responsible for this service have created a new application that they say was developed “from scratch.”
Let’s take a look at the Telegram X that is already available in one application and is the fastest instant messaging application in the world.
According to those responsible for Telegram X, this application is extremely fast and the messaging is really secure. According to them, this is effectively even the fastest application in this online messaging segment.
This new application is free, does not have advertising and also does not require any type of subscription.
Although the interface is very similar to Telegram, the new Telegram X has a set of new features and new animations and not only that even this new instant messaging application, of course, the Telegram X is even simpler to use as well.
Meet the new Telegram X
Telegram X is already available for Android and iOS and, according to those responsible for this new application, this new application may even replace the traditional Telegram app as well.
In the case of the Telegram X for iOS, the app was fully developed in Swift, which makes it lighter, faster and more efficient in terms of autonomy, compared to the Telegram that was developed in Objective C.
So, what do you think about this new instant messaging application, of course, the Telegram X, which claims to be the world fastest instant messaging application? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.