The boy named Harshit Sharma belongs to Mathana in Kurukshetra, Haryana has been hired by search giant Google at a whopping annual salary of Rs 1.44 crore. However, the recent reports suggest that the story is FAKE.

No, Google Didn’t Hire 16-Year-Old Boy With Monthly Salary Of Rs 12 Lakh

Yesterday, we have shared a news in which we have mentioned that a Chandigarh student has been hired by search giant Google at a whopping annual salary of Rs 1.44 crore. Well, the lucky boy was just 16-year old and will soon be flying to the United States at the summons of Google for a training program and a job.

The boy named Harshit Sharma belongs to Mathana in Kurukshetra, Haryana. He has completed his class 12 from Government Model Senior Secondary school. It looked like this 16-year-old boy is going to live the dream that all of us had.

However, the recent reports suggest that Google hiring a 16-year-old student from Chandigarh at a whopping annual salary of Rs 1.44 crore may not be true at all. The story is FAKE, according to Google.

Search giant Google said in a report to The Indian Express “Currently, we don’t have any information on our records with respect to Harshit Sharma’s candidacy,”. So, what actually happened here? Well, it all started on July 29 when Chandigarh Newsline, a city channel run by The Indian Express Published the news about Harshit Sharma.

There are chances that either the reporter who wrote the news was tricked into believing that Google has hired Harshit Sharma or someone else created a fake offer letter from Google and passed it to Harshit Sharma’s family.

In both the case, the story actually had nothing to do with Google. Even Google India Executives came to know about Harshit Sharma after reading the news published by many online channels. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.


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