We all know that the Google Play Store is the center of the entire Android universe. This is where most users access to install the applications they use and need. Hence, the tech giant Google now decided to penalize and downrank all the poorly performing apps.
Google Play Will Now Penalize And Downrank Poorly Performing Apps
The Google Play Store is the center of the entire Android universe. This is where most users access to install the applications they use and need.
The tech giant Google is firmly taking strict control of the applications that are available on Play Store, but it is preparing to change the algorithm used to propose applications to the users, choosing now to present the most stable and the best general behavior applications to its users.
The tech giant Google has been aggressive about showing apps in the Google Play Store in the various areas where they are presented to users. It always tries to present the best and most useful ones, thus guaranteeing that the users are getting good services.
But to further improvement, it will offer, and by showing you what’s best in the Google Play Store, the tech giant Google is getting ready to introduce new reviews to its algorithm. Specifically, the company will begin to exclude those with the worst overall behavior by sinking them into the search lists and proposed apps.
This new form of evaluation will have elements as different as behavior on Android, the number of times that the apps stopped responding or the impact they have on Android itself.
In order to achieve this new aspect of its algorithm, it will count on the help of artificial intelligence, which will evaluate the performance of the different app in the different devices, information that the company already has in its possession.
Of course, this will have another positive effect for the tech giant Google itself. As from now developers will seek to improve their applications, so that they will rise in the ranking, have greater visibility and be closer to users.
This new measure, along with others that the tech giant Google has implemented in recent months, will be able to organize more efficiently the wide range of applications that the Play Store has, highlighting the ones they deserve and leaving to the bottom those that are of inferior quality.
So, what do you think about this new initiative taken by the tech giant Google? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.