Recently, we all read the news articles that “It’s official, CyanogenMod Is Dead”. But, don’t worry, the new Lineage OS arrived, the CyanogenMod project replacement and here is the list of supported device and downloads.
Here’s The Lineage OS Device List And Downloads
The company Cyanogen Inc. (cyng), responsible for Cyanogen OS, announced that it would shut down all its services and development for Android ROMs (both nightlies versions marked as stable), as from the 31st December 2016.
Wasting no time, a group of programmers and developers have created a fork of CyanogenMod, which they named Lineage OS ( Lineage Android OS Distribution ). In recent days, some images have been made available. See if it already exists for your Android or not.
Lineage OS 14.1 is already available for some Android devices. This “new” ROM is based on Android Nougat 7.1 and, according to the information, this new ROM is quite stable as well.
In several recent days, there were available images can be found on this page or downloaded from the links available and mentioned below.
ASUS: ASUS Lineage OS 14.1 Devices List
HTC: HTC Lineage OS 14.1 Devices List
Google: Google Lineage OS 14.1 Devices List
LG: LG Lineage OS 14.1 Devices List
Motorola: Motorola Lineage OS 14.1 Devices List
OnePlus: OnePlus Lineage OS 14.1 Devices List
Samsung: Samsung Lineage OS 14.1 Devices List
ZTE: ZTE Lineage OS 14.1 Devices List
Wilefox: Wilefox Lineage OS 14.1 Devices List
Xiaomi: Xiaomi Lineage OS 14.1 Devices List
Those responsible for this new project have already said that the list of images will soon increase in the coming days. However, if talk about the installation process then don’t get worried about that as the installation process will remain the same as CyanogenMod.