US Senate lawmakers have just voted to reject those rules and had voted to permit Internet service providers to sell or share users data which also includes users browsing history without seeking any permissions.

ISPs Can Now Sell Your Web Browsing History Without Your Permission

US Senate had just voted to dismiss the broadband privacy rules that are created by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) previous year. The rules that are voted to dismiss forced internet service providers to get permission before selling users data.

US Senate lawmakers have just voted to reject those rules and had voted to permit Internet service providers to sell or share users data which also includes users browsing history without seeking any permissions.

US Senate on Wednesday voted, with 50 Republicans voting for dismissing the existing broadband privacy rules, whereas 48 Democrats against. US Senate has overturned the current regulations with the little-used Congressional Review Act (CRA) to void and stop FCC from issuing any similar rules in the future.

Well, President Trump’s newly appointed Federal Communication Commission chairman Ajit Pai temporarily halted the new privacy standards and also argued that the new rules shouldn’t favor tech giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter and others because they will be collecting more data than ISPs and will dominate the digital advertising.

FCC Said in a statement “All actors in the online space should be subject to the same rules, and the federal government shouldn’t favor one set of companies over another”. Well, now the new regulations just need approval from the House of Representatives and signed by President Trump to go live.

If the new rules passed all the required criteria, then ISPs won’t need your permission to sell your private or sensitive data. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.


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