E-mail is still an effective way of communication and marketing even with all the technological advancement. Do you know the reason why? A conversation started via e-mail can be used to keep a track of it. It can be provided as an evidence in case of any disputes in the future.

A lot of people prefer e-mail as a means of communication since they can write better than they talk as per the trend.

Sending an e-mail and not knowing if the other person has received or read it has been a hassle for quite some time, but not anymore.

What is MailTag?

MailTag is a free all-in-one Chrome browser extension for email tracking, scheduling, and auto follow-up. This assists you to find out if the e-mail that was sent, was received and read by the concerned person or organization or not.  This is not just another everyday marketing tool; it provides more accurate reports, direct data, and notifications on sent emails.

With MailTag’s free email tracking tool, you can track the real-time status of your emails and know exactly if and when your emails have been opened or reopened.

With MailTag’s free email scheduling tool, you can make your emails arrive in your recipient’s inbox at any given time or day.

Just type your message now, and send it later.

With MailTag’s free email follow-up tool (called Pings), users can automate their email follow-ups, for free.

If your recipient doesn’t respond to your email, you can configure MailTag to automatically send a series of pre-configured follow-up messages every few days until you eventually hear back.

MailTag also offers a free dashboard that you can use for tracking your average email open-rate, link-click rate, and other relevant information about your emails.




Some of the beneficial features of MailTag that you should be aware of are:

  • Free Email Tracking – Accurate reports and notifications on all the sent mails will be available to you free of cost.
  • Email History – This feature allows you to check the total number of times the recipient has opened the mail along with timestamps for all of them.
  • Notifications – If you have set up the MailTag to show notifications, you will receive a push notification whenever a sent mail is opened by the recipient.
  • Link Click Tracker – If the sent mail has any link, this feature assists you to check the number of times the link has been clicked by the recipient along with the respective time stamps.
  • Dashboard with Tips and Tricks – The dashboard for this browser extension provides detailed reports on average emails read, the rate of link clicks with respect to the amount of sent mail. You can view it on the current day, week, month and previous month depending on the information you need.
  • Ping Sequence – This feature assists you to follow up on conversations on a periodic basis and you also have an option to automate e-mail follow-ups.
  • Video Tutorials – There is a free video tutorial along with this extension to set up and use MailTag for first-timers.

MailTag Free Vs Pro

There is not much of a difference between the two products here.

MailTag Free version doesn’t delete the MailTag watermark in every mail automatically.

However, MailTag Pro version deletes the watermark.

There is no other major difference notice so far in the free and paid versions.

Final Thoughts

MailTag is an excellent tool that offers features that the competitors make you pay for.

A free tool that helps you track, schedule and follow up on your sent mail with a detailed report, MailTag is best for personal use since the free version fulfills its purpose.

It is crucial to optimize your emails and conversation.

Be sure to check out the MailTag Chrome extension here.


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