Someone had just build iPhone 6s entirely from spare parts. Well, the Youtuber Scotty Allen bought all the required spare parts from Chinese marketplaces. He claims that the used parts had cost him around $300 which is much cheaper compared to buying a new iPhone.
Man Builds iPhone 6s From Spare Parts Bought On The Street
Well, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus have arrived previous year. Well, both the phone promises to revolutionize the market for smartphones. We have already written an article in which we have shared that the original cost to produce an iPhone is about $224.80 but it was sold at approximately $650 in US market.
The reason why we are talking about iPhone’s price today is because someone had just build iPhone 6s entirely from spare parts. Well, the Youtuber Scotty Allen bought all the required spare parts from Chinese marketplaces.
According to Scotty Allen “I’ve been fascinated by the cell phone parts markets in Shenzhen, China for a while. I’d walked through them a bunch of times, but I still didn’t understand basic things, like how they were organized or who was buying all these parts and what they were doing with them. So when someone mentioned they wondered if you could build a working smartphone from parts in the markets, I jumped at the chance to really dive in and understand how everything works.”
Well, Scotty allen focused on the main components requires building a working iPhone, like logic boards, display, battery, and back casing. Well, he found that he can buy almost everything from the Chinese market.
Scotty Allens estimates that he might have spent over $1,000 on the spare parts because be bought some parts he didn’t end up needing. However, he claims that the used parts had cost him around $300 which is much cheaper compared to buying a new iPhone.
You can watch the 23-minute long video here:
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