Here we are going to introduce Shodan, the backdoor to the internet. Shodan can search everything else that Google cannot search. Today Shodan is designated as ‘World’s scariest search engine’ and it very often called hackers search engine.

Meet “Shodan” The Scariest Search Engine On The Internet

Well, if we look around, we will find that we are entirely dependent on the internet of things. We use IoT devices in our regular life, and we frequently encounter things that are connected to the web. And those all could be found in two worlds- Real world and an internet world.

So, today we are going to introduce Shodan, the backdoor to the internet. Shodan can search everything else that Google cannot search. Shodan was launched in 2009 by John Matherly.

John Matherly named his project after the villainous computer in the video game System Shock. Today Shodan is designated as ‘World’s scariest search engine’ and it very often called hackers search engine.

Meet "Shodan" The Scariest Search Engine On The Internet
Meet “Shodan” The Scariest Search Engine On The Internet

Well, Shodan is designed with a plan to link every device connected to the internet. It collects and stacks HTTP address from devices that are attached to the internet worldwide and then it was arranged according to their countries, OS, and brand.

Shodan’s scanning power is so strong that it can detect nuclear power plants. It can even detect traffic lights, control systems, gas stations, power grids, security cameras.

Well, most of the time public services uses no or little measures for online safety, and if once exposed to hackers, the results could be destructive. Hackers can even breach into your system if your IoT hub is exposed on the internet using Shodan.

You can find some devices in Shodan that run on their default passwords or no passwords at all. It currently returns ten results to users who doesn’t have an account and 50 results to those who have an account.

So, what do you think about Shodan? Share your views in the comment box below.


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