We all know that whether it is desktop or mobile, web browsers are much essential and one of the tools that can not be missed nowadays. Recently, the tech giant spurs war with the leading web browsers.

Microsoft Spurs Browser War With Leading Browsers

Whether it is desktop or mobile, web browsers are much essential and one of the tools that can not be missed nowadays.

The constant comparison between browser features leads to wars and brighter wordplay among its creators, and Microsoft has opened a new front by declaring that its Edge is the only browser with tab previews.

Microsoft has long been enhancing Edge and its unique features. There are several points where it insists and in fact, it turns out to be right. Of course, the competition responds to the height and notes what is often obvious and is ahead of everyone.

But the tech giant Microsoft’s latest statement about Edge’s unique features turned out to be unwelcome and the competition wasted no time in responding to the height.

It was on Twitter that Microsoft showed its followers that Edge is currently the only browser that allows you to lock tabs and have access to their preview.


This is a statement that is not true and many other browsers that are available already allow it. But soon the competition came to answer Microsoft and show it that after all Edge does not have this exclusivity.

The first was Opera, which in a short message showed surprise and congratulated the Edge for having something that Opera has had for a long time.

But the reactions did not stop there and a new response appeared, this time coming from the team that develops Vivaldi. Even this team also congratulated the Edge for entering the club of browsers that have this functionality and welcomed them to mark trends.

The tech giant Microsoft ended up not doing well in this situation, wanting to highlight in their browser something that the competition has been available for a long time and that many users already use.

If in previous situations it could show that the Edge is ahead, with unique features, this time could not. It was limited to comparing with direct competitors, leaving out the remaining browsers, which can be more innovative.


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