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Eager to know about what’s happening in the security & hacking field? We cover the most important & relevant security, news, and tech news.

Zerodium Triples Its Zero Day iOS 10 Bounty To $1.5 Million

Zerodium Triples Its Zero Day iOS 10 Bounty To $1.5 Million

Every time Apple releases new operating system, it always tries to improve the mistakes of the past. Therefore, Apple has introduced iOS 10 with...
Hackers Are Using 'God Mode' in Microsoft Windows To Hide Their Malware

Hackers Are Using ‘God Mode’ in Microsoft Windows To Hide Their Malware

Cyber criminals are using developer mode of MS Windows which is called 'God Mode' to conceal their malware. God mode is basically shortcut to...
Here is How To Make Your Phone Spy-Proof With Edward Snowden

Here is How To Make Your Phone Spy-Proof With Edward Snowden

Edward Joseph Snowden is an American computer professional, former Intelligence agency employee and former contractor for the US government who copied and circulated information from...
US Supreme Court Permits FBI To Hack Any Computer

US Supreme Court Permits FBI To Hack Any Computer

The US Supreme Court has approved a change in Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, now the Judges have the power...

SMS Phishing Campaign Hits Android Users

The security experts at security company FireEye has published a brief report on the malicious SMS Phishing Campaign, which is reportedly spreading in Denmark...
The CIA Is Reportedly Preparing For A Massive Cyber Attack Against Russia

The CIA Is Reportedly Preparing For A Massive Cyber Attack Against Russia

As we all know very well that relations between the United States and Russia have been blurred. The reasons are simple and result from...
Qualcomm Puts 60% Of Android Devices At Risk

Qualcomm Puts 60% Of Android Devices At Risk

As we all know that Android is the mobile operating system that is most widely used worldwide. Therefore, one of the main responsibilities of...
This Malware Steals Data From Air Gapped PCs

This Malware Steals Data From Air Gapped PCs

The former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has recently leaked information that NSA knew how to change a USB device to break the...
Hackers have held California Hospital's Network Hostage for $3.6 Million

Hackers have held California Hospital’s Network Hostage for $3.6 Million

At Los Angels the computers were completely down for a week after some malicious software ended up its internal network. Patients were transferred to...
Anonymous Attacks Bank of Greece with Strong DDoS Attack

Anonymous Attacks Bank of Greece with Strong DDoS Attack

The hacktivist group Anonymous carried out attack on Greece Bank as the bank was reportedly indulged in financial corruption. The group is looking to...