Recent 5G smartphones like Huawei Mate 20 X 5G and Samsung Galaxy S10 5G cost around Rs 70,000. Despite being highly priced, users are still purchasing 5G phones. According to a new interview with HMD’s chief product officer Juho Sarvikas, HMD Global is right now making a ‘value flagship 5G smartphone’ that will launch in early 2020.

New Nokia 5G Smartphone Coming Soon, HMD Global Confirms!

It’s no doubt that 5G is the next big thing in mobile technology, but right now it has limited availability and is tied to expensive smartphones. 5G phones already exist in the smartphone marketplace, but they are quite costly.

Recent 5G smartphones like Huawei Mate 20 X 5G and Samsung Galaxy S10 5G cost around Rs 70,000. Despite being highly priced, users are still purchasing 5G phones. Few OEMs are already working to bring down that hefty price tag of 5G smartphones.

Recently, Digital Trends reported that HMD Global is planning to launch an affordable Nokia 5G phones to the market soon. According to a new interview with HMD’s chief product officer Juho Sarvikas, HMD Global is right now making a ‘value flagship 5G smartphone’ that will launch in early 2020.

Juho Sarvikas explained that the company is right now preparing to bring 5G to a broader audience, which it will do by cutting down the cost of the smartphone. Not only that, but Juho Sarvikas also said that the company would bring a Nokia 5G phone at half of the price of 5G phones that exist today.

Juho Sarvikas told Digital Trends “We see a particular opportunity for us in bringing 5G to a more affordable segment as we enter the market,” Sarvikas told Digital Trends.”

“I would say affordable in relation to what’s available today. I would love to see us at half of the price where you have 5G today.” Sarvikas added.

To make an affordable 5G smartphone, Nokia is working with chipset maker Qualcomm on developing the phone. Not only that, but the company is also in talks with US Carriers to further expansion.

If you are living in India, then let me tell you that 5G services are expected to begin next year. So, it’s absolutely possible to see 5G Nokia phone arriving in the Indian marketplace in 2020. So, what do you think about this? Share your views with us in the comment box below.


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