Nokia Bell Labs are responsible for a new technique of data transmission that can offer terabit per second (Tbps) which is much higher than Google’s fiber network.

Yes, Nokia sets a record-breaking 65Tbps data transmission rate via cable.

Nokia Reaches 65Tbps Data Transfer Speed

Submarine cables help to connect the world to the internet and today there are dozens of wires between countries, across oceans and seas and continents, joining the internet stretch to all places.

The growing need for bandwidth requires the installation of new cables, although the new speed record recorded can help to improve the performance of existing cables. Nokia just got a new speed record in a submarine cable doubling the maximum current to the 65 Tbps.

Nokia Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN), the specialized unit of the submarine cable company, has just recorded a new high transmission speed in this medium. In addition, it has failed in any way. The specialist firm networks have doubled the current record and thus aims to meet the growing need for broadband in the world. The explosion of connected devices in the coming years is beginning to have an answer.

The world’s largest submarine cable manufacturer has managed, through Nokia Bell Labs, a whopping 65 Tbps speed using dual band fiber amplifiers. This is the equivalent of 10 million high-definition channels while emitting almost nothing.

Since ASN claim that this enhancement will be available for commercial deployment in the next two or three years. Furthermore, they explain that the technology used promises to reduce transmission costs, increase network resilience and allow them to dynamically adapt to the demand for bandwidth way.

In tests, they have used the new modulation technique of Nokia Bell Labs that allows customers to maximize the capacity of fiber optic high-speed networks or extend the distance between signal amplifiers. All this is key to reducing costs and improving bandwidth.

Google recently installed a cable of 9000 kilometers in the Pacific with a capacity of 65 Tbps. This cable connects the US and Japan and was a major challenge for the project managers and installers. Nor can we forget Tide. However, this will be the massive and largest in the Atlantic with a capacity of 160 Tbps.


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