As we all know that the instant messaging app Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging service. Telegram clients exist for both mobile (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Ubuntu Touch) and desktop systems (Windows, OS X, Linux). Users can send messages and exchange photos, videos, stickers and files of any type. Telegram also provides optional end-to-end encrypted messaging with self-destruct timers, but these features have been contested by security researchers and cryptography experts. Recently the instant messaging app Telegram released the latest update which allows its users to edit send messages and also added more features.
Now Telegram Lets You Edit Sent Messages
Recently the rival of social media giant Facebook-owned WhatsApp, the instant messaging app Telegram has launched a new update for its messaging app which allows its users to edit messages after they have been sent and the latest update of the instant messaging app is currently available for the iOS, Android, and desktop.
The most interesting thing is the clever feature from the instant messaging app Telegram works across all chat types, including the group as well as the individual conversations. Hence, the other features that come with the latest update include a new search list which allows its users to instantly find people, the ability to mention members in a group chat, and conveniently include chat bots in a conversation.
As the encrypted instant messenger Telegram has announced the new features in a new blog post which say that “Farewell to typos! Starting today, you can edit the text of your messages after sending them”.
When you frequently sent a message to a friend or associate and then apprehend it’s filled with typos. So, the instant messenger Telegram now can quickly make it correct with its new edit feature.
So, in order to edit a sent message then just tap and hold on the message you want to tweak and then tap the “edit” option. From there, you can revise the sent message and when it’s resubmitted, the instant messaging app Telegram will append the edited label which will let everyone know of the update. If you are the desktop user, then you have to press the “up” arrow to edit the message.
As the instant messaging app Telegram has recently announced that now it has a 100 million monthly active users along with the 350,000 new users signing up every day, which also delivering 15 billion messages daily as well. Hence, the Industry experts believe that the new editing feature will help the instant messaging app Telegram to gain an aggressive edge over its rivals and this new feature could also rapidly enhance its stability and growth as well.