A couple of months ago, Sony has revealed PlayStation 5 in an online event. With PS5, few of the next-generation games are also released on the console.
However, only the console is announced until now, the company Sony has not revealed the release date and the price of PlayStation 5. But it is said that PS5 will be releasing somewhere between October to December 2020.
How to Pre-order PlayStation 5?
Even the Pre-orders of PS 5 is not live. The senior vice president of Sony has clearly told that everyone will be notified before pre-orders will go live. So, we need to wait for the company to announce a specific date and time to pre-order PS5.
We can assume that the Pre-orders of PS5 will start soon. So, here we have speculated about the preorders of PS5. Let us check out how and when you can preorder PS5 in your country. Sony is coming closer to reveal the price and pre-orders for all the markets, including India.
Visit Amazon or Flipkart and go to PS5 page and Sing up to get notified when the pre-orders go live.
However, not all the e-commerce website offers this trick so, you should bookmark the PS5 page to get notified for Preorders.
How to pre-order PS5 in the United States (US)?
Best Buy is the largest retailer in the United States. So, if you are in the US, then you can use BEST BUY site to get notified for preorders of PS5.
Best Buy has a signup page for PS5 pre-order where you need to enter your email address, and you will be notified when the preorders are live. On this page, you can also see the specification and other information about PS5.
Visit Best Buy and signup to get notified.
How to pre-order PS5 in Canada, Mexico European Union countries?
On Target.com you can sign-up with email ID for latest update and exclusive offers. It also gives you some basic information about the Console, accessories and the upcoming games. It will be helpful for you if you Sign up on Target.
Visit here on Target
How to pre-order PS5 in the UK?
A UK retailer Argos also allows the users to get notified for PS5 pre-orders. Open the website and sign up to be the first to hear about the new PlayStation5. So, for all the UK users, we recommend you to keep an eye on this page to get notified for PS5.
Visit here on Argos
Websites to Pre-order PS5
These are other websites which also helps you to get notified when the pre-orders will be live.
1. Walmart
Walmart not only gives information about the console but it also shows video trailers for the console and the games which will be available. This site also has a PS5 pre-order sign-up page, where the users can enter the email address and submit to get notified for PS5 pre-order.
Visit Walmart
2. Very
Very.co.uk service is available in the UK. Very also has a separate page to pre-order PS5 where gamers can register if they are interested. Register on very.co.uk and get informed when PS5 preorders will go live.
Visit Very
3. Currys
There is a different page for registering if you are interested in Sony PS5. On the page, you will see the information about launched games and technological power of PS5.
Visit Currys
How much will PlayStation 5 Cost?
However, we can’t say the exact price of Play Station 5, as Sony has officially not revealed the cost of the console. We can expect the price of PS5 at around $499 (approx. Rs.37,350).
So, this is all about Pre-order PS5. Once the Pre-order goes live we will inform you and also once Sony announces the launch date and price, we will update you.