As we all know, Samsung is a South Korean multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul, and recently, the company has launched a personal assistant robot to compete with the Amazon Echo.
Samsung Launched Personal Assistant Robot To Compete With Amazon Echo
Samsung took the opportunity of the last Developer Conference to present the world with its personal assistant robot named Otto, which was Built on the ARTIK platform Internet of Things; the little robot Otto is almost similar to Amazon’s Echo with a few extra concepts.
A creation of the internal division C-Lab, Otto comes equipped with microphones and speakers, and can readily answer the usual questions like “What are the weather conditions?” which is very similar to Siri and Alexa. However, the small robot is also able to control IoT functions ( Internet of things) in the house, like lights, fans, refrigerators, etc.
Moreover, there is an obviously expressive little Otto advantage over the helpful assistant’s competition; through a small front display, the little robot Otto is able to recreate various human expressions and animations, to communicate with its owner.
But there are also animations and various effects, activated according to the setting. For example: If it is raining, the wizard display shows small animations of raindrops just to communicate weather conditions. And if this is not enough to entertain you, the little robot Otto is still able to dance and shake his head up and down (almost a headbanger ), which it summarizes the full extent of its physical abilities.
The little robot Otto comes equipped with a high-resolution HD-camera which can recognize facial expressions and also serve as a monitoring device. In the latter case, the wizard can send captured images directly to the screen of a smartphone or PC, where you can also set the camera angle.
However, the new helpful little robot Otto shows that Samsung plans to even fight for a space in the promising niche-based assistant’s Internet of Things. But, currently, the little robot Otto is limited to a single prototype to serve as a technological showcase and provide a glimpse of the ARTIK platform. Anyway, it remains to be seen how the concept of the privacy of individuals sues the idea of a robotic assistant equipped with an HD camera.