Recently, we have seen anonymity app Sarahah has become the trending stuff on the web. It took the internet by storm when its popularity increased exponentially. According to Zachary Julian, Sarahah is collecting the private information from its users.

Sarahah App Quietly Uploads Your Phone Contacts

We must admit that Anonymity is one of the internet’s exceptional offerings. There are few android apps available on Google Play Store that lets users hide the identity online, while still getting to do and say what they want.

Recently, we have seen anonymity app Sarahah has become the trending stuff on the web. It took the internet by storm when its popularity increased exponentially. Almost everyone from teenagers to adults are using Sarahah app to receive “anonymous” feedback from their friends and relatives.

Now the reports from The Intercept throws light on another part of the Sarahah app. According to Zachary Julian, Sarahah is collecting the private information from its users.

According to Zachary Julian, as soon as a user launch Sarahah app for the first time, it instantly uploads all the phone numbers and email addresses to the server. Well, if you remember Sarahah ask users for the permission to grant access to contacts, but it doesn’t disclose the upload act.

Another thing is that the app doesn’t even utilize the uploaded data. Julian discovered the issue when he first installed Sarahah app on his Samsung Galaxy S5 using a BURP Suite.

Sarahah app performs the same thing in iOS devices also. Well, it’s worth to note that if a user doesn’t use the app for some time, it shares the contacts again. The creator of this app, Zain al-Abidin Tawfiq claims that the functionality will be removed in the future update and he also said that the feature was intended for “find your friends” feature which is something that doesn’t exist at the moment.

So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.


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