We all know very well that since the smartphone screens began to grow, to expand and eliminate the display bezels, manufacturers have tried several innovations, simply to integrate the front camera into a notch, retractable cameras, sliding components and much more. The solution that seemed ideal, at least on paper, to integrate the camera under-display, which seemed quite an extraordinary and impossible idea, except in different patents.

Here’s The World’s First Smartphone With an Under-Display Front Camera

Since the smartphone screens began to grow, manufacturers have tried several innovations to expand and eliminate the display bezels, simply to integrate the front camera into a notch, Pop-up cameras, sliding cameras, and much more.

The ideal solution, at least on paper, was to integrate the camera under the screen, which seemed quite an extraordinary and impossible idea, except in different patents.

But, hold on, what if I say that this technology is real? Yes, the well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer Oppo has just posted on its Twitter profile a video in which Oppo teased the world’s first functional smartphone prototype with a front camera under the screen, an idea that, without any doubt, will become a trend of this year 2019.

Though the video is short, which is about fifteen seconds but it is enough to show the world’s first functional smartphone prototype with the front camera under the screen in action. Here’s the post that Oppo has posted in its official Twitter profile.

Unfortunately, in the video, we can not see any picture, but later, the person simply puts his finger on the camera to prove that there is a hidden camera on the top of the smartphone screen, which is fascinating.

However, the fact is that it is not the first time we have heard about integrated cameras under the screen. As the well-known brand of Andy Rubin, Essential already has a related patent for about a year, and it is said that the South Korean giant Samsung is already working on the technology.

Hence, judging by the previous video, the well-known Chinese smartphone maker Oppo seems to be the first to have put the theory into practice, and not only that, it has also shown the device in action.

Moreover, for now, we don’t have any more information except the video and text accompanying the tweet. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below. And if you liked this post, do not forget to share this post with your friends and family.


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