It looks like Xiaomi is facing a really hard time with its Redmi Note 4 smartphone. Recently, a Redmi Note 4 exploded in a pocket of a user in Andhra Pradesh. Xaomi Redmi Note 4 user Bhavana Suryakiran was riding his bike over the weekend when his phone allegedly burst into flames.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Explodes In User’s Pocket
The previous year, we have seen many popular-priced gadgets exploded. In 2016, Samsung had stopped the production of Galaxy Note 7 and recalled the existing devices because the units are found exploding after few days/months of usage.
Even hoverboards, iPhones are also found exploding because of faulty lithium-ion batteries that are used as a power source. A few days ago, we have seen Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 exploded in a shop in Bengaluru, India.
The entire incidence has been captured by the CCTV camera that was installed inside the shop. It looks like Xiaomi is facing a really hard time with its Redmi Note 4 smartphone. Recently, a Redmi Note 4 exploded in a pocket of a user in Andhra Pradesh.
Xaomi Redmi Note 4 user Bhavana Suryakiran was riding his bike over the weekend when his phone allegedly burst into flames. Bhavana Suryakiran suffered serious injuries due to the explosion. Xiaomi is investing the matter and already contacted Suryakiran.
Xiaomi spokesperson said in a statement “We take such matters seriously as customer safety is of utmost importance for Xiaomi. All of our devices go through stringent quality tests”
According to the reports from, Bhavana had purchased the Redmi Note 4 smartphone from Flipkart 20 days ago. The reports also claimed that Bhavana Suryakiran is looking to take legal action against Xiaomi.
So, all these incidence proofs that a smartphone can be our most successful companion or our worst nightmare. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.