WhatsApp is now the most used instant messaging app, and it’s available for every platform, including Android, iOS, web, etc. Facebook now backs WhatsApp, and it receives frequent updates. Each update brings new features that further enhance the WhatsApp experience.

WhatsApp has tons of features like sticker support, voice & video calls, GIF support, etc. While WhatsApp for Android already packs some great features, few Android apps can make it even better.

Also Read: How to Remotely Logout From WhatsApp Desktop & Web Version

List of 10 Must-Have Android Apps For WhatsApp Users

Plenty of Android apps are available on the Google Play Store that works with WhatsApp to provide more features. This article will list some of the best Android apps for WhatsApp users. These apps are usually meant to offer different utilities, but they can surely fill in the voids one may find in WhatsApp.

1. Transcriber for WhatsApp

Transcriber for WhatsApp

There are times when we want to convert several WhatsApp Voice Messages into text. Let’s say you are in a crowded place like the metro and don’t have earphones. This is where the Transcriber for WhatsApp kicks in. The Android app transcribes the audio messages for you and shows the text version.

2. AutoResponder for WA

AutoResponder for WA

AutoResponder for WA is one of the must-have apps for WhatsApp business users. The app will greatly benefit those who need to send an immediate reply to their clients.

AutoResponder for WA allows users to set auto-response messages for selected contacts or everyone. The app is available in both versions – Free and Premium. The free version has some limitations, but the free version is enough for personal use.

3. Multi Parallel

Multi Parallel

Ever wanted to run multiple WhatsApp accounts on a single smartphone? If yes, then you need to give Multi Parallel a try.

With Multi Parallel, you can quickly run unlimited multiple accounts for WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, Line, Instagram, and other social networking apps on a single smartphone. It is a multiple account management app that allows you to log in to multiple accounts from a single smartphone.

4. Norton App Lock

Norton App Lock

Norton App Lock is an app that allows you to lock your apps and protect your privacy. The app is straightforward to use; select the apps you want to lock and set up a custom PIN, Password, or Pattern lock for protection.

It can lock almost all apps, including WhatsApp for Android. Other than WhatsApp, it can lock other apps such as Google Photos, YouTube, Google Drive, etc. So, if you don’t want others to see your WhatsApp chats, you need to start using the Norton App Lock app.

5. Notifly


Notifly is one of the unique apps that every Android user would love to have. Guess what? Notifly provides users with a new way to read and reply to the notification. With Notifly, you no longer need to quit your current app to respond to a WhatsApp chat.

Notifly opens the WhatsApp conversations in the form of bubbles, allowing users to respond to the messages without switching apps.

6. SKEDit Scheduling App

SKEDit Scheduling App

Although not very popular, SKEDit Scheduling App is still one of the most useful apps every WhatsApp user would love to have. It’s a free application to schedule WhatsApp messages on Android.

Apart from WhatsApp messages, SKEDit Scheduling App can even schedule SMS, email, social networking posts, and call reminders. Overall, SKEDit Scheduling App is an excellent app for scheduling messages on WhatsApp.

7. Sticker maker

Sticker maker

If you are searching for ways to use your own photos as stickers on WhatsApp, then Sticker maker might be the best pick for you.

Guess what? With a Sticker maker, you can easily create sticker packs for your friends, family, pet, girlfriend, etc. So, Sticker maker is another Android app that every WhatsApp users need to use.

8. WhatsCrop


If you have been using WhatsApp for a while, you might know that the app crops and shortens the photo while uploading. So, the WhatsCrop app automatically adjusts the picture size to be the maximum allowed without losing any part.

It’s a photo-editing application that crops images to fit your social media profiles. It also supports manual adjustment of size and rotation.

9. DirectChat


DirectChat for Android allows users to create Chatheads for any app or messenger. If you have already used the Facebook Messenger app on Android, you might already know about Chat heads.

Chat heads provide users with a convenient conversation experience without interrupting their current tasks. So, with DirectChat, you can easily read and reply to all WhatsApp messages without opening the official WhatsApp app.

10. VidStatus


If you are searching for ways to download WhatsApp video status, then VidStatus might be the best app. The app lets you edit, watch, and download trending WhatsApp Status.

The app is heavily popular on the Google Play Store, and it’s a must-have app for WhatsApp users.

These are the ten best Android apps that every WhatsApp user should have. These apps will definitely improve & enhance your messaging experience while using WhatsApp. If you know any other such apps, let us know in the comments.


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