iPhone holders are facing battery issues ever since updating to iOS 10.1. Apple says, their iPhones will not explode like Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Apple Says iPhones Will Not Explode Like Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Do you know iPhone owners are right now facing some issues with their battery since updating to the latest iOS version 10.1? Few users have been complaining about a bug that causes the phone to randomly shut down as soon as it reaches the 30% battery mark.
While charging users also claimed that it jumps up to 30% within 30 seconds. We have recently spotted Galaxy Note 7 that had everything to be a sales success but turned out to be a torment for the South Korean company.
Apple had recently launched a battery replacement program to deal with the bug that is causing battery issue. Apple reported that the ongoing problem is limited to a smaller number iPhone 6S devices. However, the issue also affected various other models of Apple, like iPhone 6, 5S, 5C, 5.
An Apple’s statement on the company’s Chinese website said their customer’s phones are shutting down due to low battery. However, their users will never have to face the risk of exploding phones the way Note 7 owners did.
The company also said that the shut down of the phone is intentionally designed to shut down under certain conditions to protect electronic components from damage due to low voltage. Apple also said that they have conducted a thorough investigation into the matter and found that only small numbers of iPhones that are manufactured between September and October 2015 are facing the issue.
According to Apple, the batteries are exposed to ambient air at the time of manufacturing that is the possible reason behind this recent incidence. However, Apple will replace only the iPhone 6S batteries without any charge.