Your SIM number is technically called the ICCID, which stands for Integrated Circuit Card Identifier. It usually consists of 19 or 20 characters and is printed on your SIM card and stored inside.

And the number stored in the SIM card can be changed with your Android device. As Android is one of the best operating systems on which you can perform many amazing tweaks, we also discussed many tricks and tweaks that you can perform on your Android.

Steps to Change your SIM number Using Android

By rooting and using the Xposed installer, there are lots of things possible that you might not even imagine. And in this guide, we will discuss changing the SIM number. Yes, it’s possible, and you can do this by following a simple guide discussed below.

1. First, you need a rooted Android, as the Xposed installer can only be installed on a rooted android. So, make sure to Root your Android.

2. After rooting your Android device, you must install the Xposed installer. For that, follow our guide to Install Xposed Installer On Android.

Xposed installer

3. Now, after installing the Xposed Installer, you need an Xposed module that will allow you to edit the number of your SIM card, and the module that you will be downloading is SIMEditor.

4. Now install the app and then in the Xposed module this app. Next, reboot your phone to activate the module.

5. Now, launch the app, and you will see the number changing option where you need to enter the number you want to set on your SIM card.

enter the number

That’s it! You are done. Now the number of your SIM card will get changed.

So, that’s how easy it is to change your SIM number on Android. If you need more help changing your SIM number using Android, let us know in the comments. Also, if the article helped you, make sure to share it with your friends.


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