If you run an online business or are a student, you may deal with many email addresses daily. Sometimes, you may come across an email address that’s not valid.
When you try to send emails to that address, you will receive an error, or the email will fail to send. To avoid these things, it’s best to check whether an email address is valid before sending an email.
Check If An Email Address Is Valid Or Not
Below, we have shared a few simple steps that will let you check the validation of your email address. Let’s get started.
Checking Validation Of Gmail Email Account
1. First of all, copy the email address that you want to check. Now visit the google password assistance page from here.
2. There choose I don’t know my password option. Now paste the email address you want to scan and click on continue.
3. If the account is invalid, google will show it, and you will be done with this.
On the other hand, if you are searching for a valid email account, it will ask you to enter the last password you remember
Checking Validation Of Yahoo Email Account
1. Copy the email address with yahoo and go to the link. Now click on the next button there.
2. If the account exists, you will get proceeded to the next step. Otherwise, you will receive a message that the account is not valid.
On the other hand, if you have entered a valid email, it will ask you to verify your identity using security questions.
Checking Validation Of Outlook Email Account
1. First of all, visit the password reset page of outlook from here.
2. Now, choose to Forget My Password option and enter the email address.
3. Now proceed, and if the email address is invalid, you will get the error message.
On the other hand, if you have entered a valid email, it will ask you to verify your identity.
So, these are the few simple steps that will let you check whether the email address is valid. If you need more help validating an email address, let us know in the comments below. Also, if the article helped you, make sure to share it with your friends as well.
to confirm the validation you could just have a look at the email head. that’s it