You may have heard about the latest Telegram update if you read tech news regularly. The new update brought many new and exciting features to the Telegram app for Android & iOS, like the ability to mute chats for a set time.

Other than that, the app now also allows users to add custom notification sounds to the chats. The ability to set different notification tones for different friends & groups on Telegram is very useful, especially if you receive many messages every day.

So, if you are interested in adding custom notification sounds for chats on the Telegram app for Android & iOS, you have landed on the right webpage. In this article, we will share a step-by-step guide on adding custom notification sounds for chats on Telegram on Android. Let’s check out.

Steps to Add Custom Notification Sounds for Chats on Telegram

Important: The update has been rolled out to every Telegram user for Android and iOS. If you don’t find this feature on your app, you need to install the pending updates from the respective app stores for Android & iOS.

1. First, open the Telegram app on your Android smartphone.


2. Now select a contact for setting a custom notification sound. Next, tap on the contact name as shown in the screenshot below.

contact name

3. On the next screen, tap on the Notifications option as shown below.


4. On the menu that appears tap on the Customize option.


5. Now, on the top, enable the toggle for Enable Custom Notifications as shown below.

'Enable Custom Notifications'

6. Next, under the General, tap on the Sound option.


7. Now select the custom notification tone as per your requirement.

select the custom notification tone

That’s it! You are done. This is how you can add custom notification sound on the Telegram app for Android.

How to Set Custom Mute duration for chats on Telegram?

Apart from the ability to set custom notification tone for individual chats, Telegram also allows you to set custom mute duration for contacts.

You can mute notifications for any chats on Telegram in easy steps if you want. We have shared a step-by-step guide on setting custom mute duration for chats on Telegram. Make sure to go through that guide to know the steps.

It’s pretty easy to add custom notification sounds on the Telegram app for Android. I hope this article helped you! Please share it with your friends also. If you have any doubts about this, let us know in the comment box below.


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