On Windows 10 and Windows 11, you get a dedicated section for ‘Mouse Settings’. You can configure many things related to your mouse’s performance on the Mouse settings. You can easily change the pointer speed, display the pointer trains, hide the pointer while typing, and do much more.

You may often hear the phrase ‘Enhance Pointer Precision’ while gaming. Have you ever wondered what it is and what it does? This article will discuss Enhance Pointer Precision in Windows and how to enable it. Let’s check it out.

What is Enhance Pointer Precision?

Enhance Pointer Precision is also known as Mouse Acceleration in the Windows operating system. And understanding it is a bit of difficulty in itself.

However, if we have to explain it, it’s a feature that monitors how fast you move your mouse and adjusts everything automatically.

In technical words, when you move your mouse, the DPI (dots per inch) increases, and your cursor moves a longer distance. On the other hand, when you move your mouse slower, the DPI decreases, and your mouse cursor moves a shorter distance.

So, if you enable the Enhance Pointer Precision, the Windows operating system automatically adjusts your DPI. As a result, the feature assists your workflow so that you only have to move your mouse a bit faster or slower, and there could be a large increase or decrease in the distance your pointer covers.

Is Enhance Pointer Precision Good or Bad?

Everyone has a different mindset, and the feature could benefit many users, which is why the feature comes enabled by default.

However, if you have kept it disabled and enabled it suddenly, you may face problems while controlling your mouse cursor.

On the other hand, if you keep the Enhance Pointer Precision disabled, you will build muscle memory because you will know exactly how far you must drag your mouse to cover a distance.

When Enhance Pointer Precision is enabled, the only thing that matters is how fast you move your mouse. If you oppose this system, it’s best to keep the feature disabled.

Should I turn on Enhance pointer Precision?

The answer to this question depends on how well you use your mouse. If you play games, the most obvious choice is to turn off the feature.

On the other hand, if you want to improve your workflow, keeping Enhance pointer precision enabled is the best choice. You only have to move your mouse a bit faster or slower, and the distance your pointer covers will increase or decrease significantly.

Usually, Windows users prefer to turn off the feature because not everyone is comfortable with the mouse automatically adjusting the DPI.

How to Enable or Disable Enhance Pointer Precision in Windows?

Now that you know what Enhance Pointer Precision is and what it does, you can enable or disable it on your Windows device. It’s pretty easy to do so; follow the simple steps below.

1. First, click on the Windows start menu and select Settings.


2. On Settings, click on Devices.


3. On the Devices, click on the Mouse; on the right side, click on the Additional Mouse options.

Additional Mouse options

4. Next, on the Mouse Properties, switch to the Pointer Options. Now, check or uncheck the option for Enhance Pointer Precision.

Enhance Pointer Precision

Is Enhance Pointer Precision good for gaming?

Now let’s come to the most important part of the article ‘Is Enhance Pointer Precision good for Gaming.’ If you are a gamer, you may have seen many fellow gamers asking you to disable the feature.

The Enhance Pointer Precision is never meant to support gaming. Although you may want to try it, the results will be mostly negative.

When Enhance Pointer Precision is turned on, mouse movement doesn’t remain linear,, so it will do more harm than good.

So, for gaming, if you are using a gaming mouse, it’s best to keep the Enhance Pointer Precision turned off. It will do more good and will improve your gameplay for sure.

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We have tried to clear all your doubts related to Mouse Acceleration. So, this guide is about enhancing pointer precision in the Windows operating system. If you need more help, let us know in the comments below.


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