We all know that Facebook has given us several surprises in recent months, hence, now the social media giant Facebook building its own TV application.
Facebook Is Building Its Own TV Application
Facebook has given us several surprises in recent months, initially copied the Snapchat Stories for Instagram mode and also showed the intentions of the social network to show ads on their live video transmissions, plans that were seated late Of 2016 when they launched this feature.
Finally, a few days ago Facebook launched a pilot program to display ads on Facebook Messenger. Basically, the company is trying to get more revenue through the implementation of various features through its platform.
It has now been revealed that Facebook is working on a streaming app for entertainment centers, such as Roku or Apple TV, which aims to users to enjoy the videos that their contacts publish through the social media giant Facebook.
One of the biggest barriers that Zuckerberg and his team will have to break is to face the giants of streaming like Netflix or Amazon, and even YouTube with its millions of users.
In addition, Facebook will have to be careful about the type of videos that are published through this new app as it could be counterproductive if the public platform has any kind of videos without having a filter.
Currently, there are already devices and applications with which you can do direct streaming on your TV. We will see how this is a rather desperate measure of Facebook to generate more visualizations on the platform and with this generate more revenue.