It looks like Facebook has been glitching again, now it’s reposting users random, old updates and photos in their timeline without user permission.

Facebook’s New Glitch Will Repost Your Old Photos Without Permission

If you just thought that Facebook’s Year in Review feature was all you had to worry about this week then we have got some bad news for you. A new Facebook glitch is randomly reposting old statuses on the timeline. The glitch just comes weeks after another embarrassing moment when the networking giant declared thousands of its users dead.

The glitch came into the spotlight when Facebook users started complaining that the site is resurfacing old photos and re-posting them to their timelines without the permissions. The glitch on the social network is actually posting posts, photographs from days, months and even years ago in users timeline.

One of the Facebook users wrote in a Facebook Help community post “This morning at 6 [o’clock], four photos which I’d posted to my timeline back in September reappeared fresh on my timeline, complete with location and friend tags”

The same user also added, “I did not do this, I’ ve changed my password to be sure, but can someone please help me understand how this happened without my consent or knowledge?”

Another user wrote in the same post “Last night … a bunch of old pictures were reposted to my timeline just as if they were new posts,”. “What should I do to stop reposting without my permission?”

According to Mashable, the cause of the issue is still unknown, the time has people wondering that the glitch might be related to the new version of Facebook’s app for iOS, which was introduced on Thursday, or it might be because of the recent Year in Review feature. According to PCMag, one of the Facebook’s spokesperson told them “We are aware of this and are investigating”.

On Twitter, users were similarly confused.

So, what do you think about this? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!