Recently, Google could face a fine of more than 1 billion euros imposed by the European Competition Regulator by default or abuse of dominant position in the market.

Google Faces Big Fine Of More Than $1 Billion

The technology giant Google could face a fine of more than 1 billion euros imposed by the European Competition Regulator by default or abuse of dominant position in the market, the British newspaper Financial Times reported Friday, Has formally announced by Brussels.

Specifically, the tech giant Google is accused of manipulating the results of its search engines in favor of its new service “Google Shopping”, which offers comparisons of product prices.

In the event that the multimillion-dollar sanction finally takes effect, some of what the European Commission is expected to report in the coming weeks would be an unprecedented fine for the technology group.

According to EU antitrust regulations, sanctions for market dominance are limited to a maximum of 10% of the company’s turnover, which in the case of Google’s parent Alphabet amounted to 90,272 million Of Dollars in 2016.

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