Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud storage services offering you lots of free storage availability. When it came back in 2012, its Windows and MAC OS desktop clients were also released.

Considering the tool’s official website, Google Drive Ocamlfuse is a Fuse-based file system that Google Drive backs. It is written in Ocaml Language, which allows users to mount their Google Drive in Linux and use it as a normal directory.

You can even access this drive on any of the Linux distributions, and here we are talking about Ubuntu. So have a look at the complete guide discussed below to proceed.

The method is quite simple and can be easily performed with a cool tool we will discuss here. So have a look at the complete guide discussed below to proceed.

Features of Ocamlfuse Tool

  • Full read/write access to ordinary files and folders
  • Read-only access to Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides (exported to configurable formats)
  • Multiple account support
  • Duplicate file handling
  • Access to trash (“.Trash” directory)

Steps To Mount your Google Drive in Ubuntu

1. Download and install the Google-Drive-Ocanlfuse tool by carrying out the following commands in your Ubuntu system:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse

2. When the commands are done, what to do is authorize the tool to access your Google Drive by running out the following command:


3. A tab in your default web browser will open where the tool requests permission to access your Google Drive content.

Mount Your Google Drive in Ubuntu

4. Now click on the “Allow” button, and a message will be shown to you by Google Accounts, which will let you know what the application is doing and what information is shared with it.


5. Again, click on the “Allow” button, and the required access will be allowed to the tool, which helps in completing the setup for it. The next step is to create a local directory on your Ubuntu system where all the contents of Google Drive will be mapped. Consider a directory called “gdrive_local”.

mkdir ~/gdrive_local

6. When everything is done, run the following command to mount the file system locally:

google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/gdrive_local

7. It will take time to upload, but finally, you will see all your Google Drive contents in your directory named “gdrive_local“. By this, we can make changes that were returned to the cloud and vice-versa.


8. For configuration, the tool’s configuration is usually located at the address “~/.gdfuse/default/config.

tool's configuration

So above is all about how to mount your Google Drive in Ubuntu. Use this simple guide, and you can easily access the google drive services on your Ubuntu desktop. And hope you like the tutorial; keep on sharing with others too. Leave a comment below if you have any related queries about this.


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