speedtest.net is now integrated with the latest HTML 5 to avoid Adobe Flash, which has created much controversy in the past days and years. The new site is still helping many users.
In previous years, Speedtest.net is performing much better in terms of gaining traffic and genuine customers, but because the site speedtest.net uses Adobe Flash, many users avoided the site and moved to another, so now they can visit this site because the site with the help of a company Ookla who finally started testing HTML 5 version of the web platform.
World’s Most Popular Internet Speed Tester Finally Left Adobe Flash Behind
The good news is the internet speed tester site speedtest.net is performing better and faster than the previous one. Many users have removed speedtest.net from their bookmark because of a recent Adobe Flash vulnerability; the site using this Adobe Flash and users avoiding Adobe Flash and that’s the caused of the site reputation to go down at some point.
The new and widely improved version of the site makes you feel more comfortable to use for your speed test, now you won’t be needing any plugins anymore for the test, with the improved version of the site users are not required any requirement except to launch the test button. The site is also integrated with respective browsers to support the visuals of HTML5.
Perhaps now it’s good herald that the vulnerability Adobe Flash got unavoidable death, the ineludible cause happened because of users requirement that usually they are not visiting the site and thus site reputation goes down.
Adobe Flash really very harmful at the recent year, many reports have been released by different countries that Adobe Flash is allowing the hackers and attackers to inject malware into the flash and that malware works in the user’s computer, thanks to Netflix and Hulu that are all vanished so with the certain cause getting rid out of it.