Shadow Brokers announced their retirement on Thursday – and released 61 tools for hacking Windows PCs for free by way of a farewell gift.
Shadow Brokers Quit Operation! Giving Away Windows HACKING Tools For Free
Well, a few days ago we have seen a notorious group of black-hat hackers, Shadow Brokers which leaked many exploits has found selling the package of Hacking tools ‘Equation Group Windows Warez‘ that was stolen from the NSA-linked hacking unit named The Equation Group.
The full package of the hacking tool includes Windows Exploits and antivirus bypass tools. Shadow Brokers posted a message on their ZeroNet based website, in which they openly announced the sale of the ‘Windows Warez’ package for 750 bitcoins (around US$678,630).
The data dump contains Windows Hacking tools, and they were categorized as following:
- Fuzzing tools: used to discover errors and security loopholes
- Network Implants
- Exploit Framework
- Some Zero Days: Remote Code Execution Exploits for IIS, RDP, RPC, SMB Protocols
- RAT: Remote Administration Tools
- SMB BackDoor (Implant)
However, security exploit peddlers Shadow Brokers announced their retirement on Thursday. Hackers have posted a Goodbye note on their website. The reason of retirement was all about money (in their case bitcoin). They could not get enough Bitcoin, they have decided to quit.
However, the bitcoin address of the group is still active, and if they receive 10,000 BTC, they will come back and dump passwords for Linux and Windows. With the “retirement announcement,” the Shadow Brokers also released a new batch of free hacking tools.
According to Security researchers, Jake Williams, the freebies consists of 61 Windows hacking tools and some of which were detected by antivirus solutions.
61 files in new #ShadowBrokers dump, 18 claim to be from Microsoft (not signed). Other 43 have no publisher information.
— Jake Williams (@MalwareJake) January 12, 2017
Someone uploaded this #shadowBrokers file to @virustotal this morning. 12/56 detection. Look at who's missing. Not a good day for them I bet
— Jake Williams (@MalwareJake) January 12, 2017
Of the 61 files in the new Shadow Brokers dump, only 74de13b5ea68b3da24addc009f84baee was in @virustotal before today.
— Jake Williams (@MalwareJake) January 12, 2017
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