We all know very well that the tech giant Google’s most popular and most used operating system, of course, Android ecosystem is the most exposed to third-party attacks because they have a larger market segment, which makes it much easier to extend the malware. Hence, recently, more than 4,000 Spyware apps found on Android app stores that secretly record audio, steal logs.

WARNING! These Applications Secretly Record Audio, Steal Logs

The Android ecosystem is the most exposed to third-party attacks because they have a larger market segment, which makes it much easier to extend the malware.

Now the dangerous family of malware SonicSpy has been distributed in more than 4000 infected apps all over the Internet that has already managed to infect thousands of users around the world, and worst of all is that three of them have sneaked on Google Play passing The security barriers of the tech giant Google itself.

According to the security research firm Lookout, the three applications that have passed above the security barriers of the tech giant Google Play are Soniac, Troy Chay and Hulk Messenger, so if you have any of them on your device you may have already been infected with most of your data exposed to external servers.

The Soniac application is a messaging service inspired by the popular instant messaging application Telegram that has had more than 5000 downloads on Google Play; While Troy Chat and Hulk Messenger have been less popular, but also with thousands of downloads behind them.

These applications are able to steal our private data from contacts, phone number, voice and video messages and sending unwarranted spam to all our friends. Once the application is installed, and if the attacker has decided by an external command, the device is infected by hiding the application icon to go unnoticed.

At that point, the attacker can execute up to 72 different commands on our phone simply to steal all kinds of information that goes to a server hosted in Iraq. It has certainly been one of the most dangerous Google Play malware.

From Lookout never recommend downloading an APK from unofficial sources, make exclusive use of only Google Play and not from other external markets, and never hit any suspicious links yet sent by one of our contacts.

So, what do you think about this malicious application? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


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