Twitter brings the “Fleets” feature to India. Fleets is a self-disappearing tweet which is similar to Instagram stories as everyone uses Instagram and knows about the story feature, which disappears in 24hrs and after that, no one can see that story and comment. Likewise, Fleets is also the same feature, which is now available on Twitter.

Twitter launches Instagram Stories-like feature Fleets in India.

Twitter Launches Stories Like Feature "Fleets" In India: Check Details!
Twitter Launches Stories Like Feature “Fleets” In India: Check Details!

On 9th June, Twitter launched the Fleets feature to all the Indian users. This feature allows the users to share a tweet, photos, videos which will be seen on their profile for 24 hours only, after that it will vanish.

The new feature with a post on Twitter. Kayvon Beykpour, the co-founder of Periscope and the product lead of the site, has introduced this feature to the Indian users.

Fleets feature might be the newest addition to the micro-blogging site. However, the concept is not new as it is similar to Instagram Stories and Snapchat Stories feature.

How do Fleets work?

With Fleets feature, you can start a conversation from your fleeting thoughts. Once you upload any picture, video or a tweet, then it will disappear after 24 hours. Once it is gone, no one can Retweet, like, or reply to you.

If your friend has kept Fleet and you want to reply, then you must click on to send a Direct Message or emoji and can continue your conversation in DMs. One the homepage of the app, you will see Fleets. Whoever can see your full profile can see your Fleets. If your account is open, then anyone can react to your fleets, but if you have a private account, then only your friends can see and react to your fleets.

Last month in May, Twitter announced the global rollout of Fleets feature. The company said that they are working on the feature.

The company started the test of “Fleets” in Brazil. To this, the company said, we started testing the new way of having communication. Most of the people don’t like to tweet because the tweets are public, permanent and other users can like and retweet. So, many feel insecure, and they hesitate to tweet.


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