WhatsApp suffered a global outage on Thursday for a brief period. WhatsApp users across the world have started to face problems while accessing the app. The outage started at about 9:42 PM EDT where almost 46% users have reported that they were facing connection problems while using WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Faces Global Outage For A Few Hours!

Without any doubt, WhatsApp is one of the best services for users to exchange messages. According to company data, now there are more than 1 billion active users monthly, more than 42 billion messages are sent each day and more than 1.6 billion photos are shared per day.

If you remember WhatsApp faced an outage for a few hours in May in almost every part of the world. The similar type of incidence took place yesterday. WhatsApp suffered a global outage on Thursday for a brief period.

WhatsApp users across the world started to face problems while accessing the app. According to the data from downdetecter.com, WhatsApp was down in parts of Mexico, Northern Europe, and Brazil. Some Indian users have also faced the problems.

The outage started at about 9:42 PM EDT where almost 46% users have reported that they were facing connection problems while using WhatsApp. 31% users have complained that they are facing problems while exchanging messages and 25% users have reported problems while logging in.

The company seems to be aware of this massive outage and the issue has been already fixed. One of the spokesperson said “Earlier today, WhatsApp users in all parts of the world were unable to access WhatsApp for a few hours.We have now fixed the issue and apologise for the inconvenience”

If we talk about WhatsApp, the messaging service is right now working on adding payments options via UPI to its app. Did you also face trouble while using WhatsApp yesterday? Share your thoughts in the comments box below.


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