Have your ever noticed your Facebook friend list number go down from the last time you check in? Yes? Have you investigated this downfall or just turned a blind eye to it? If you’ve never done or tried to do so but failed because of no option being available then your are at the perfect place.
You Can Now Know Who Unfriended you on Facebook
There is a new app in the market called ‘Who Deleted Me’ , which helps you in finding out who trashed you out of their Facebook account, the mirror.co.uk reported. The app gives you clear data about how many friends are currently active and which friends have deleted or deactivated their account, since the last time you logged in. This would provide you with clinching details to see who discarded you.
Also Read: How to Hide My Last Seen From Facebook Chat
Wondering how the mechanism works, the app will take a sneak-peak into your friends list and thereupon save some vital information which would then help it to compare the previous data the next time you login. If the numbers don’t turn out to be the same on tallying up, the app will then tell you who has ‘unfriended’ you and who has done the otherwise by deactivating their account.
Already, there is huge excitement surrounding the app. The curiosity of the masses to know about the ‘unfrienders’ would turn out to be a blessing in disguise for the makers.
Meanwhile, as we report the social media giant updated their Messenger App on Friday.
The update announced on Friday will be initially restricted to devices running on Android. Facebook hasn’t yet worked out a plan for making similar changes to its Messenger app for iOS.
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