The search engine giant, Google introduced a new feature that allows parents to teach children about the different animal sounds. Google has been introducing new ways of teaching children about the wildlife.
Google Introduces New Animal Noises Feature To Teach Kids About Them
In order to teach children about animal noises, simply search “animal noises” on Google, it will provide you the sound, name and image of the animal. Google is currently working to introduce sounds of more and more animals.
You can also make query as what does the dog or cat say. You will get specific animal sounds.
As of now, Google has added 19 animal sounds in its search which include zebra, ape, cat, lion, moose, owl, pig, cow, duck, elephant, horse, raccoon, bowhead whale, humpback whale, wolf, rooster, sheep, tiger and a turkey.
This feature might sound childish, but it may be really helpful for the parents who want to teach animal sounds to their children.
Nearly 19 months ago, Google introduced Google Classroom, which is a blended learning platform for schools. It helps educational institutions to go paperless.