You might have not have even thought of invisible trains will come in future, it is true that Japanese Scientists are gearing up to launch invisible train by 2019. The invisible train will run at speed up to 580 km/hour. Seibu Railway is planning to develop a train which will be invisible to the people.

Japan Scientists Are Designing “Invisible Train”, To Be Unveiled By 2019

Seibu Railway Co. is a Japanese company based in Tokorozwa, Saitama Japan. It’s business include in railways, tourism and real estate. The company’s railway operations are in the northwest Tokyo and Saitama prefecture.

The invisible train is being designed by architect, Kazuyo Sejima from the Japanese firm Sanaa who was recently awarded “Nobel Prize of architecture”, however train will not be completely visible but “super reflective”. The train train primarily mixes into its surrounding by reflecting them off its flawless mirrored surfaces.

Even more interesting thing about this train is that, this design can be put in the already built and existing trains. The Seibu Railway Co. has granted Sejima permit to refurbish both the inner and outer side of the Red Arrow express commuter train for its 100th anniversary.

When it comes to design, the Red Arrow commuter train train is said to be coated with  “a semi-reflective surface”. Moreover, the travellers while sitting in the train will feel like resting in a living room. As of now, the exterior of the train is believed to be replaced with semi transparent mirrored panels. However, the effects of this train seems to not have been discussed now, and may be discussed later.

The invisible train is believed to come in 2019, and it is said to come with seven-eight car trains. It will be spread over 178 kms across Japan. It’s route will be via various topographies including mountains of Chichibu, Tokyo etc. The vehicles will be developed by Hitachi [which makes 200 mph Shinkansen trains in Japan].


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