We all know very well that nowadays an AI (artificial intelligence) could simply do many extraordinary things that we haven’t imagined yet. As now according to the latest reports, recently, a well-known tech researcher has developed an AI-based website which simply creates photos of humans who do not exist.

This Creepy Site Uses AI To Create Photos Of Humans Who Don’t Exist

If we look closely at the people that appear in the photos that we have mentioned below, you simply notice that they are real. As they convey emotions like joy, seriousness, shyness, but the fact is that these people are not real, as they do not exist. They have been generated by an AI (artificial intelligence), and are impossible to distinguish if you are not an expert.

The photos have been created by the AI (artificial intelligence) of the website “ThisPersonDoesNotExist“, whose sole purpose is to create photos of people who do not exist. Each time you reload the page a new, completely unique person will be generated by the AI of the portal.

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The ability of AI (artificial intelligence) to mix eyes, noses, mouths with the same skin tone, and generate a natural face that does not seem weird, leaves us speechless. Hence, the applications of an AI capable of inventing people are really terrifying.

The website ThisPersonDoesNotExist has been created by Philip Wang, Uber engineer, who has used research carried out by the graphics chip maker NVIDIA. It is an artificial intelligence that has been trained with thousands of photos of real people.

This AI uses a type of neural network called GAN, which takes all this information and invents completely new faces, which do not exist and it is not a simple cut and paste. As we see in the images, artificial intelligence knows when a nose hits a forehead or when the eyes fit with a mouth, so that it looks like a real person, and not a collage of human faces.

The algorithm to achieve this was created by an investigator named Ian Goodfellow. The well-known company, NVIDIA has used it to create its own AI, called StyleGAN, which can not only be applied to faces only, as it works for everything.

Since it is an open-source algorithm, there are developers who are using it to make artificial intelligence to invent graffiti or new fonts and not only that even this new AI is even able to invent anime characters as well.

No doubt this technology has a lot of beneficial applications, including the possibility of helping graphic designers and cartoonists to create characters, and even to draw them. But it is easy to imagine other evil uses, such as the impersonation of personality, false news, assemblies to destroy someone’s reputation, etc. And it is possible to insert it in videos, like those already circulating on the Internet with celebrity faces integrated into pornographic videos.

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Hence, according to these reports, it is very clear that the line that separates what is real, from what is not, is simply getting much finer than before. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


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