Users of one of the most popular messaging applications, Telegram have been waiting for a breakthrough that is already in the pipeline, yes, the expected voice calling feature will soon land on Telegram messaging application.
Telegram Messenger Just Got An Extraordinary New Feature
In January, the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, said that they were working on the incorporation of voice calling feature into messaging service and today it has been known that users of the instant messaging service Telegram are in luck since the feature is already in beta testing phase in the beta version of the Application. In order to use it, it is necessary that both the callers and the person receiving the call have the beta activated.
Telegram is the great alternative to WhatsApp, valued very positively by users thanks to their privacy. For the moment, the first critics have welcomed with open arms the performance and operation of voice calls in the messaging application, which could soon reach the public version.
While WhatsApp has long been integrating the option of making voice calls and video calls between its contacts. However, Telegram now joins the dispute by trying to bridge the technological gap separating it from the platform acquired in 2014 by Mark Zuckerberg. The news of the new functionality has been confirmed by Pavel Durov through his Twitter account.
For now, the only way to use this new functionality is downloading the beta application of Telegram, which is only available for Android. Calls are made in secure mode by assigning an encryption key, one of its most outstanding advantages over its competitors.
Voice calls operate very similar to WhatsApp and require an Internet connection, with data or WiFi, to be able to be performed. In addition, in the Settings section, it is possible to configure the privacy.
So, what do you think about this new feature of Telegram? Simply share your experiences and views in the comment section below.