Today we will share with you the easy trick that will help you turn your android camera into an inspection camera; with the app IP Webcams, you can manage your phone camera through a web browser.

Using the phone as a video capture device brings economic benefits (eliminates the need to buy a webcam), but we can also use the handset as a wireless camera and utterly transparent to the operating system. And the reason why Android is leading in the market is that it is very open to many useful apps.

So today, we will talk about IP Webcams, this app that helps us turn our phone into a network camera with multiple viewing options. You can view your phone camera recordings in your web browsers. Moreover, you can also use the App IP Webcam as a webcam, which means you can do video chat, too, if you don’t have a webcam on your PC.

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Turn Your Android Phone Camera As A Surveillance IP Webcam

How To Use IP Webcam As A Surveillance Camera

The best part of this app is you can control your Phone camera from your computer web browser. You can record screens, capture photos, etc.; IP Webcam uses a wifi network to stream live video with or without internet connectivity. Let’s learn about the features of an IP Webcam.

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Features Of IP Webcams include:

  • Several web renderers to choose from Flash, Javascript, or built-in
  • Video recording in WebM, MOV, or MPEG4 (on Android 4.1+)
  • Audio streaming in was, opus, and AAC (AAC requires Android 4.1+)
  • Motion detection with a sound trigger, Tasker integration.
  • Date, time, and battery level video overlay.
  • Sensor data acquisition with online web graphing.
  • Videochat support (video stream only for Windows and Linux via a universal MJPEG video streaming driver)
  • Cloud push notifications on motion and sound, cloud recording for motion-triggered records, and online video broadcasting powered by Ivideon.
  • Advanced baby and pet monitor features nigt vision, motion detection, sound detection, and audio streaming.

How To Use IP Webcam As A Surveillance Camera

  1. You need to download IP Webcam from Google Play Store. It’s a free app that offers great features. You can get Ip Webcam from here.
  2. After downloading and installing it on your Android Device, Open the App.
  3. You need to scroll to the end, and you can find the option of “Start a server” at the very end. (Make sure your phone is connected to your wifi network because it has offline streaming support that needs a wifi connection connecting to your Android handset and Computersimultaneouslye.) You need to select that option.
  4. 12493488_482323271940268_2982987152654292590_oAfter you select the option of ” Start a server ” You will see the camera screen, and you will be able to see the IP address, for ex: You need to copy that address into your computer browser.
  5. 12469388_482323298606932_3470192056195811777_o
  6. Screenshot_5
  7. You will see the video renderer option on the top and the audio player beside it. You need to Choose the option of Flash to stream live audio and video from your android phone camera. That’s it


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With this easy trick, you can quickly turn your android camera into a webcam. You can easily record your phone and capture every moment in your computer browser. This best app allows users to manage their phone camera with the Computer.


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